Another great film is Now playing on Scenes Plus Prime Time.

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 Your favorite SCENES PLUS films in the palm of your hand!

Coming 2025, your favorite SCENES PLUS actors, movies and more right on your phone!

 From Scenes Plus to CLOUT to Scenes Plus Prime Time 

We're continually building and exploring opportunities for filmmakers and actors.





Filmmakers! Do you have a film that you would like to see on TV? Send us a screener and you could win a distribution contract for a Roku release! In partnership with Rhebus Media Broadcasting we are on the hunt for great films and content. Do not send time challenge films, one page skits, Make a Film in a Day or group assignments. Send your screener link to us at

Merch!  We heard you. The Merch and Swag store is coming this spring. Wear your favorite Scenes Plus stars. movie moments or studio wear. Lots of great t-shirt designs in partnership with our friends at Print N Stitch!



CLOUT  Film Fest is now International! 

Submit your film to the festival designed to get you noticed!

May 31st Sacramento at the Future's Explored Complex. 

Tickets on sale soon!

We will feature all the newest stars hitting the set. Listen to them on what drives them, what they look for on set, how to get started and so much more!

Don't miss our ZERO HOUR red carpet event with Bunny Stewart as she interviews the hottest filmmakers and actors around, streaming live on  


The only Film Festival of its kind. 

Power up your film career with Clout. 

Submit your film via  



Charlie 2 hit the festival scene and is currently playing world wide on Scenes Plus Prime Time, Fancy a Movie and FAST TV Network!

Get to know the stars and get updated news about the film at  Facebook 

Here you will find the list of films in planning, production, or events that you can self-cast for. Check the “Pricing Package” section for details and pricing.



  • Blood Angels (pre-production) starring Taylor Brumette, Sparklestache and Missy_Tee
  • La Muerta Roja with Jennifer Franco (horror film) pre-production. spring 2025
  • JIZZAAAAM!!! (Pre-production costuming)) starring Steve Urbano and Breeona Cox
  • Signature Reel shoots (on-going. SF and Sacramento)


A Christmas Tale, coming this December to TVs everywhere!

Starring Jeanne Young, Michael Scordakis, Noah Coombs and John Demakas, this down south film pits Brad and Sheila against the Christmas legend from Montana.

Shot in San Francisco and Elk Grove by the amazing Adam Merica, but set in the snow-covered woods of Tennessee, A Christmas Tale is sure to be a cult classic.

From Mighty Corn Dog Studios and Merican Films

Before the Ink Dries, a riveting masterpiece by Director Frederique Van Niekerk, stars Solana Paz and Brian Levi. Riddled with guilt and manipulation Sam must make the hard decision of moving on as he battles his muse one final time.

Premiering at CLOUT Winterfest and streaming everywhere this December on SENES PLUS Primetime on Roku, The Fancy a Movie channel and assorted FAST TV channels worldwide.!

Springtown a new series from Claire Langton and Chris Amick and Directed by Michael Scordakis from Scenes Plus, captures a small town where things are sleepy, until they aren't. Something is happening in Springtown.

Starring an all-star cast and plenty of cameos, now in production in Sacramento, Folsom and Roseville and coming 2025.


First Job from Jay Beaver illustrates the troubles of committing your first robbery.

With the support of his mother played by Keila Michelle, what could go wrong. Will he find acceptance doing good in his first Job? Find out. Premiering at CLOUT Winterfest and worldwide on the Scenes Plus Prime Time channel on Roku!




Monica Vejar Where are you from? I am a native of Sacramento. What you like about acting. I enjoy the complete journey: reading the script; understanding and developing the character; the required focus the process takes; using the voice, mind and body; and creating scenes and stories with other talent. The last film you were in: Recently worked on two local shorts that were quite fun. One is titled, The Worst by Ethan Eskilson, and the other Christmas with the Nelson's by John Benneche. IMDb link :


FILM MARKETPLACE is coming to all CLOUT film festivals in 2025. The easiest way for Filmmakers to get their movies noticed!




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